I was in Sydney for 3 and a haf days during SALE SEASON and I didn't even go into one shop!!! Sacrilege I know, and I'm still trying to get over it by repeating the "I saved lots of money" mantra each morning, noon and night. It hasn't worked yet and I'm still kind of teary over the missed opportunities.....but I'm strong, so I'll recover :oD
My Dream #1

I had a dream I was pregnant and going into labour. But instead of going to the hospital, I went into a kitchen and Gordon Ramsay was looking after me. Hmmmm....not sure what that was all about. I don't even think he was a doctor. He was just, well, Gordon Ramsay...the chef. I love food and all, but I don't think eating a delicious meal would be high on the agenda during childbirth, even if it WAS cooked by Chef!
My Dream # 2

I was sitting behind Adam Levine (from Maroon 5) on a bus and randomly started massaging his scalp. WHY???? I have ABSOLUTELY no idea!!
I lead such an exciting life don't I? In my dreams maybe.
BTW - Bob Marley's Is This Love is streaming out of the Backpacker's Hostel next door to me right now. Sighhhhh.....wish I was lying poolside at a Four Seasons resort somewhere in the tropics, basking in the warm and brilliant sunshine, eating fresh pineapple and breathing in the clean ocean air.