I'm back at home after a brilliant holiday.
New York was awesome, as usual, and made even better thanks to the wonderful Ming the Merciless from New York City Daily Photo. He played tour guide to us and showed us all the hip and happening spots in Downtown - his favourite part of NYC.
Our visit to NY wouldn't have been the same without you Ming, so thank you SO SO SO SO much for taking the time to meet up with us - hope I can return the favour one day, when you head to Oz! :o)
That's all for now.
Will update with pics and more travel stories soon.
But for now, I'll leave you with this hilarious billboard we saw at Guadalajara Airport.
Them Mexicans sure know how to keep busy in their own company....hahahahaha!!!
I had a great time hanging out with you guys too. And thanks for the wonderful gifts.
The Mexican photo is hilarious. You would think a big company like CelTel would at least hire an English speaker to look through the ad before put that sign up.
Ha!Ha! another case of 'lost in translation'! Can't wait to hear more about your travel adventures and see those photos, Bel! xo
Shoot, I'm supposed to be feeling myself at home? I've been feeling myself everywhere but home.
I love him so much, it drives my friends mad!
I've seen him live loads, he is sooo great
OH MY GOD Christain Louboutin's are my wedding shoe of choice too
Not that I am engaged, but you know, a girl has to have a plan!
I hope you can get them back from Victoria's Secret
they sound really nice
you have been on holiday ages
i am very jealous hahaha
i hope you had a good time
Oooo post some pics of your dress after the wedding
I hope it all goes well!!
did you get the shoes???
Hahah you are my fellow Justin fan, I do think he looks sexy 99.9% of the time but then he really slipped up
He needs to earn my love hahahah
I have just realised this will be my 5th comment to you in a row
Just wanted to say HI and HOW ARE THINGS GOING?
oh my holy dear good god that billboard is... Priceless. Amazing. Wow!!!
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